The laser hair removal procedure affects the hair follicles, which helps prevent future hair growth. In comparison to the transitory effects acquired by shaving, waxing, or threading, lasers deliver long-lasting results. Lasers help avoiding the agony of ingrown hairs and the anxiety of thicker, darker hair growing back. Light is surfaced on the skin during the laser treatment, which penetrates further into the hair shaft. The hair root gets heated and damaged as a result of the light being absorbed.

Many people have no adverse reactions to the operation, and while some people may suffer some sensitivity, excellent methods provide safe results with minimal side effects. After the treatment especially for a few hours, the patient feels as if their skin is mildly burnt. During therapy, the hair would not growout right away, but it will shed after a few weeks. To achieve the greatest outcomes, the patient should follow adequate aftercare following laser treatment sessions.
Read the following suggestions on what to do after the laser hair removal treatment to get safe results and reduce the chance of undesired side effects. For the greatest results, make sure you follow these guidelines after the laser hair removal. Following a laser hair removal surgery, you must take the following precautions:
1. For the first few days post the treatment, stay out of direct sunlight and use sunscreen. When you cannot avoid the sun, use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or 50. UV exposure might irritate the treated skin, making hair removal more difficult.
2. The patient may have little discomfort following laser hair removal, such as a mild sunburn. It's also possible for the area to get red and swollen. Aloe vera and ice pack application soothes the skin and decreases stiffness and pain, can help to minimize swelling.
3. Avoid using topical tanning treatments for 7-10 days because they can hurt and damage the skin. The chemicals in the cosmetics have the potential to harm the skin even more.
4. A hot bath might cause skin irritation and burning. In the summer, it's a good idea to take a cool shower following the laser treatment. In the winter, lukewarm showers are required for the first week after laser treatment. This will aid in the maintenance of skin balance as well as the reduction of edema and redness.
5. Avoid all sorts of heat for 1-2 days after the treatment, including sunbathing, hot showers, high temperatures, steam rooms, and exercise. Excessive heat can affect the texture of your skin, cause inflammation, infection, and discoloration. Because tanning beds can cause scars or permanent pigmentation, they should be avoided. Exercise that raises the body's temperature can cause lasers to irritate the treated area.
6. After the procedure, your skin will be exceedingly dry. The patient must apply a moderate, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep the pores free and facilitate healing.
7. After the session, you can shave the hair growth, but you should avoid waxing, plucking, and threading if you need to eliminate hair between sessions.
8. Using a washcloth and a scrub wash, gently exfoliate the treated area two to four times. Ingrown hairs are less likely as a result of this.
9. For up to one week following the laser hair removal process, avoid using retinoid. To soothe the skin, apply a gentle wash and a moisturizing lotion. Using over-the-contour products can aggravate the skin since it becomes highly sensitive throughout the healing process.
10. Between laser hair removal sessions, avoid treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, dermal fillers and skin resurfacing. After the therapy, the patient must refrain from wearing fragrances or deodorants for at least two weeks. The chemicals have the potential to harm and infuriate the skin. Shaving gels and soaps can dry out your skin. As a result, following the session, use a moisturizer.
Visit Longevity Aesthetics and Laser Spa for more information on Full Body Laser Hair Removal.
**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor it imply a doctor-patient relationship.