Facial Rejuvenation- A Way to Get Your Older Self Back

Facial Rejuvenation- A Way to Get Your Older Self Back

How do you know if you are correct about facial rejuvenation treatment? Take the exam in the mirror. In a well-lit room, stand in front of a mirror and really look at all your features. Ask yourself what worries you and what changes you would like.

facial rejuvenation treatment okc

Are your eyelids or brows droopy? Are your cheeks sagging or hollow? Have you got jowls? Your neck is full, or does it get sag? Are there other markings or lines you don't like on your face? Are your nose and earlobes growing longer and droopy? Your lips are deflated or are they getting longer? Do you have wrinkles on your lips and lines around your eyes that make you laugh?

Well, if you replied yes to any or all of these, then it's time to opt for facelift, neck lift and/or blepharoplasty for surgical facial rejuvenation. When you start to get diminished facial jawline and loose or sagging neck skin, the main consideration in considering a facelift is that it is time to avoid fillers and Botox and pursue a surgical facelift.

What are your facial rejuvenation options?

It is critical to have a relationship with a plastic surgeon who is a specialist in facelift surgery and one who knows the signs of ageing when contemplating facial rejuvenation treatments.

You need a specialist who understands not only the ageing process but also whether an invasive or modern procedure is required in order to achieve the desired results. You may think you need to raise your face or neck when you need filling and Botox or vice versa. Know your rejuvenation options. The treatments most often include facelifts, eyelid rejuvenation, after 50 years of age and the use of face fillers, Botox, if facial skin is not sagging.

Is it right for you to opt for eyelid rejuvenation?    

Eyelid rejuvenation is a typical region of the face that patients request to refresh first, also known as blepharoplasty. A recuperation of the eyelid typically precedes or can be performed concurrently with the raise of the face and neck. The eyes are the windows of your mind, and when you grow old, this window displays significant signs of ageing. Loss of face volume leads to sunken eyes and a slender complexion never before there. Given that your eyes are the most prominent component of your facial structure, you should not alter the appearance of your eyes too drastically when contemplating eyelid rejuvenation. We cannot overemphasize this definition, because it will always alter the way you look to yourself and others by slanting or making your eyes smaller with surgery. The aim is only to look better like you.

When to go for facial rejuvenation?

You can undergo a facial rejuvenation treatment only if you are physically, psychologically and mentally stable as in any optional medical procedure. You want to make sure the body and immune system are in good condition to reduce the chances of complications when you want to do plastic surgery. If you have big underlying medical questions, and particularly if you smoke, facial rejuvenation is not advisable.

We must discuss your objectives with a plastic surgeon accredited by your board who understands the natural ageing process and can thus perform the proper anti-ageing operation which restores the young face to your safety. A plastic surgeon specialist may also decide whether the desired outcomes involve a non-invading or an invasive procedure.

Book your schedule with Longevity Aesthetic and Laser Spa located in OKC. Our specialists can provide flawless treatment and invasion with facial rejuvenation.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor it  imply a doctor-patient relationship.
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