Know How Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Works

About 150,000 people reduce fat non-surgically very year – not just women. Of these patients, almost 30,000 are men. A less invasive alternative to "regular" liposuctions is non-invasive fat reduction but does it work? The answer is complicated than just a yes or no. Know everything about non-surgical fat removal here.

Compare to liposuction

Non-operative fat reduction is often also called non-operative liposuction, but it's not exactly liposuction. Traditional liposuction is an operation that involves making small incision into a fatty region. Then the fat is 'swept' through a tube and these fat cells are permanently diminished. Liposuction can be used in large regions where fat deposits occur and after a single procedure may be successful. Since liposuction is a procedure, swelling, discomfort and the possibility of infection require a certain duration of recovery.

Non-invasive liposuction can be one of the different techniques used to "destroy" fatty cells that are extracted from the body, using lasers, heat, cooling or sound waves as metabolic products. Normally, non-operatory liposuction has less than any healing period, but it does not work in large areas of the fat. It does not work. Its use should be restricted to limited, hardship areas that are still pursuing a suitable nutrition and training program or patients unable to undergo surgery. Multiple treatments may be sufficient to be completely successful like non surgical fat removal.

Non-operatory fat decrease styles

The plastic surgeon's clinic does not use any one of a series of patented or brand name procedures to decrease non-surgical fat. Brand names like i-Lipo, Exilis, Zeltiq, and Liposonixor CoolSculpting each use different forms of treatments that can either be an ultrasound or radiofrequency laser or light-assisted, freezing therapy which is sound-based. Each type works to break fat cell membranes that may appear to "melt" the fat over time.

Non-operative reduction of fat pros and cons

Non-surgical fat reduction is nonsurgical, exactly as it says. No incisions are made that means a non-surgical process with less healing time, less swelling and discomfort and a major reduction in the risk of complications including an infection after the procedure. It normally does not take a lot of pre-processing and is always possible to return to daily activities easily during the day.

Cons: The actual reduction in fat takes place over weeks or months and can require multiple treatments. Owing to the external procedure of non-surgical liposuction, it may be harder to target this fat. In tough environments, or in patients with a lot of scar tissue, the surgeon may not have the ability to handle fat optimally. Targeting can also be difficult since the doctor cannot instantly "see" the efficacy of fat destruction and must wait for further counselling to refine the results. Non-surgical fat reduction does not yield drastic results quickly and is not successful in individuals who need to eliminate large portions of fat.

The final step in reducing non-operative fat

The liposuction is highly efficient, precise and can be used under different conditions under expert guidance. New ultrasound assistance procedures enable plastic surgeons to be highly precise with minimal post-operative complications in the reduction of fat. Liposuctions are usually considered a lot more successful. However, non-chirurgical decrease in fat can be a reasonable option for people who just need a little extra support in certain difficulties - or can be the only alternative if operations are not feasible.

So, yes, for the right patient the nonsurgical fat reduction works but doesn't equate it to conventional liposuction. Naturally, non-invasive approaches to fat reduction bring minimal results, so it's important to speak to your surgeon on the actual improvements in your body's contour, rather than ad expectations.

Visit Longevity Aesthetics & Laser Spa in OKC if you wish to reduce your fat in a non-surgical way. To avoid unnecessary prolonged downtime, you can opt for non-surgical fat removal and get the best result.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor it  imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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