Sclerotherapy And Laser Therapy - Which Is The Better Option?

Sclerotherapy And Laser Therapy - Which Is The Better Option?

spider vein treatment okc

Many people suffer from spider veins. There are mainly two types of spider vein treatment available. One is laser therapy and another one is sclerotherapy. Laser therapy is older and painful compared to sclerotherapy. 


In this therapy, the specialist inserts a laser device into the spider veins and places it into the largest vein. The laser eject heals while drawing slowly and it destroys the inside of the vein. After that, the vein starts to scar in order to heal itself. After a specific period of time, blood cannot flow and the scar closes off the vein. Next, our body resorbs the non-functional vein and you cannot notice any type of spider veins anymore. 


First, the specialist inserts the device into the spider veins and targets the largest vein. After removing the device, a substance which is called a sclerosant is placed in the vein. The sclerosant also destroys the affected veins completely and after some time, the vein does not function properly. After a stipulated period of time, the body removes the scarred vein and the spider vein does not appear. 


As you know, laser therapy emits heat in the vein directly. So, you can feel a tingling or burning sensation during the spider vein treatment. In this treatment, you have to apply a numbing cream to the specific area before the treatment. This cream will help you to reduce the pain as much as possible. But in sclerotherapy therapy, you cannot experience pain at all. 


As spider vein treatments destroy the veins from the inside, you can experience discomfort and swelling. To reduce the pain, you have to follow these steps.

  1. In the beginning, you can take over-the-counter medicines including Tylenol or ibuprofen to ease the pain.

  2. Keep in mind that compression garments give pressure to reduce the swelling and you can recover from it rapidly. You should use it for a minimum of one week after the treatment.

  3. You should avoid the sun for a few days. If you expose yourself to the sun too much, it can lead to more pain and swelling. If you have to go outside, then make sure to apply sunscreen and cover your skin properly. 


If you are suffering from this problem, then contact Longevity Aesthetic and Laser Spa to get proper spider vein treatment. The experts can provide various treatment options according to your need in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor it  imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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